Resettlement of Jews in Alabama Memorandum of Department II 112 of the Security Service Source : Yad Vashem Archive, O51/OSO/100 II 112 Berlin 3 June 1938 Memorandum Re : The proposed settlement of 30,000 impoverished Jews in the state of Alabama in the United States. A special project is being planned for the state of Alabama in the framework of Roosevelt's industrial plan. The proposed projects are to explore the mineral resources of the region and to construct a north-south railway line about 600 miles long… A special corporation has been established for the Alabama project, which has social aims. The President of this corporation is colonel May, who is a friend of President Roosevelt. Market loans will be taken to cover the extensive funding which the project will necessitate. The first loan is to have a nominal value of 15 million dollars. The second loan, of 10 million dollars, has already taken care of by Bethlehem Steel. Colonel May will arrange with Roosevelt for the special emigration of 30,000 Jews. In return, the Jewish aid organisations in the US will take over the 15 million dollar loan. The emigrants will have to pledge to reside for at least five years in the state of Alabama. The intended emigrants are to be Jews who have no means and no capital. They will be employed in railway construction and other public works. Dr. Rosenberg of the Berlin aid organisation said in one of the meetings that granting the loan of 15 million dollars is certainly possible and that he believes that the American aid organisations will take up the offer if large-scale emigration of Jews from Germany is permitted in return. I, the undersigned, will discuss this project with Dr. Rosenberg in the coming weeks in order to clarify the details.